
Jakatarub Profile

The Indonesian Reform Era that emerged in 1998 gave rise to the establishment of various civil society institutions. The new socio-political conditions impacted the life of religion in Indonesia, such as the conflicts of Ambon, Situbondo, Poso, and Tasikmalaya. The community then realized there was a need for a forum of dialogue and collaboration, to address this chaotic situation

Masyarakat Dialog Antar Agama (MADIA, Community for Inter-Religious Dialogue), supported by the Institute for Cultural and Religious Studies (ICRS) and the Asia Foundation, held a workshop covering diversity and tolerance issues on November 10-12, 2000 at Alwasilah Islamic Boarding School, Garut. On April 20-22, 2001, the following workshop supported by Abdurrahman Wahid (Indonesian reformation figure) was held at Vihara Vipassana Graha Lembang as the initiation of religious and national cultural figures from West Java. The next event took place on May 12, 2001, at the hall of the Catholic parish Hati Tak Bernoda Santa Perawan Maria (Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary), Bandung. After going through various phases, on June 30, 2001, the participants officially denominated the newly established network as Jaringan Kerja Antar Umat Beragama [Inter-religious Network] abbreviated to JAKATARUB.

The name JAKATARUB was taken from Jaka Tarub, a legendary figure from Javanese folklore, who is told to peep at the angels. In the same spirit, religious believers work to understand each other’s beliefs for the purpose of eliminating prejudice and creating peace and harmony in society. Jaka Tarub’s ingenuity and agility are also the spirits of JAKATARUB as a community in achieving common goals.

The purpose of this community is to present tolerance and harmony among people with a deep understanding of each other’s beliefs. This network focused on cultural movement and raising public awareness. JAKATARUB is independent, with no affiliation to political parties or works under other institutions.

The movements developed by JAKATARUB are based on pluralism, gender equality, national consciousness, and multiculturalism with respect to local wisdom. Diversity, equality, justice, and humanity are values that we upheld.

Religious and national cultural figures, also youth from various religious backgrounds and beliefs in West Java, manage JAKATARUB. The community is also supported by individuals, institutional delegates, diversity representatives, partners, and participants closely related to JAKATARUB.


Jakatarub Emphasizes two main points as follow

  1. Being a safe space where everyone can freely express their identity and aspirations, obtain information from the first party, and confirm prejudices.
  2. Promoting deep and meaningful dialogues alongside close friendship. JAKATARUB is not a community where people distantly exchange pleasantries, overlooking inequality or unpleasant and sensitive things. However, JAKATARUB is not a place to attack each other, but a growing space for understanding and caring. It does not merely promote the co-existence value, but “pro-existence”.